Magic the Gathering 7 Point Highlander (Australian Highlander) is a fan format where you can play singletons of strongest cards albeit with a point cost, so while you can play power nine, you have to choose which ones to bring.
This free best-of-3 1v1 tournament will run from 6:00pm signup, for 6:30 start, bring down your own deck or borrow one of ours. Proxying strongly encouraged. Typical Casual Card Games running alongside as always, for those not interested in playing in the tournament. There will be prizing for winners and door-prizing if you stick around until the end.
MTG 7 Point Highlander Tournament
Date: Monday 28th of April (28/04)
Room: Geology Building 312.222
Time: 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Tournament Start Time: 6:30 pm
Entry Cost: Free (Members Only)
Curtin University, Building 106F, Perth, Western Australia, 6102, Australia